7th May 2020
“Three clear principles for clubs to adhere to during this time: respecting the no contact and social distancing measures and prohibiting any group gatherings.”
14 new measures to read carefully during COVID 19 period
1. Opening hours
Golf de Barthe will be open from 8.30-18.30 during this period.
2. Booking reservations
Tee-offs will be 3 and 4 balls as much as possible as advised by the FFG. Our goal is to enable as many golfers as possible to be able to play. Only those who have reserved in advance will be allowed to play. Reservations can be made on WhatsApp from the 8th May 8.30am-6.30pm on 0641207117. Please try to reserve in groups of 3 or 4.
A new Golf de Barthe phone booking line will be made available and we encourage people to use this system through WhatsApp for reservations and booking messages.
All players must reserve in advance.
When reserving please clearly state the full names of the players and your desired Tee-time.
Tee-times will be scheduled every 15 minutes between 8.30 and 5.00pm
Players will only be able to reserve 9 holes at a time which supports trying to enable as many golfers to get a round as possible. You will be able to book another 9 once you have finished your first round.
For those people who do not have or do not wish to download WhatsApp they can call the booking line number.
Please do not email or post messages on social media for reservations please kindly follow the process outlined above to try to keep this as simple as possible for everyone.
The reservation line will open on the 8th May in advance of the 11th May re-opening.
WhatsApp is the preferred option for all reservations
3. Club store room:
The club store room door will be open during the day to minimise contact and it will be locked overnight. If you are not happy with the door being open during the day please remove your clubs from the storage room during this period.
4. Arrival:
Please arrive a maximum of 20 minutes before your tee-off. Please report to the clubhouse on arrival, a maximum of one person inside at a time. Please kindly sanitise your hands before entering.
We ask that you leave promptly after your round.
We encourage people to wear masks while inside the clubhouse.
To respect the social distancing guidelines please kindly enter the clubhouse through the main entrance and leave through the entrance next to the loos.
Signage will be on-site from re-opening.
In order for us to comply with the COVID 19 guidelines please DO NOT arrive at the club without a tee-time reservation.
Golf de Barthe is strictly open only for players and staff during this period.
5. Practice Range:
The practice range is open. Balls and baskets will be disinfected before and after use.
6. Lessons with Nicolas Marsal:
Private lessons with the pro Nicolas Marsal will be available from the 11th May. To book please liaise directly with him on 0645018983.
To celebrate getting back into golf Nicolas is offering one hour lessons for 30 euros including video analysis.
7. Le Bar et le club-house:
The bar and club house area is open and we ask our guests to respect the COVID 19 guidelines.
8. Score cards:
The score card is available to download on the website.
For the purposes of score cards being submitted for handicap mgmt please take a clear photo of your card and WhatsApp it or email it to the club.
9. Trolleys:
During this period trolley hire is not available.
10. Buggies:
Only one person is permitted on a golf buggy and these will be disinfected before and after use.
11. Flags:
Please do not touch the flags the cups will be inverted during this time.
12. Hole Cups
They will be inverted to minimise contact.
13 Rakes
They will be removed from the course.
14 Course benches and seating
Please do not sit on any of the benches around the course.
Golf de Barthe will deploy regular disinfecting and sanitising of surfaces, payment machine, all machinery etc.
We hope we can relax and evolve some of these tight restrictions as soon as possible.
The goal is to gradually re-open and do everything we can to ensure the safety of our visitors.
These are challenging times and we ask you to work with us during this period so that we can remain open and able to deliver a safe experience for our players.
Please kindly do not come to the club if you are experiencing any of the virus symptoms and please kindly respect the COVID 19 social distancing guidelines at all times on the premises.
Prenez soin de vous, a très vite sur le parcours
Golf de Barthe.